IRIX 6.5 Applications 1998 June
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 1998 June.iso
Text File
137 lines
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1. _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n
This release note documents pppphhhhoooottttoooosssshhhhoooopppp____ssssggggiiii which is a
performance package that works in conjunction with Adobe
Photoshop is an imaging application developed and supported
by Adobe Systems Inc. pppphhhhoooottttoooosssshhhhoooopppp____ssssggggiiii allows users to run
Photoshop with SGI accelerated and customized plug-ins.
This document contains the following chapters:
1. Introduction
2. Installation Information
3. Known Problems and Workarounds
4. Documentation Errors
1.1 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e__I_d_e_n_t_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n__I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
Following is the release identification information for
Adobe Photoshop:
SGI Photoshop
SSSSooooffffttttwwwwaaaarrrreeee PPPPrrrroooodddduuuucccctttt
IRIX 6.3 or higher
SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm SSSSooooffffttttwwwwaaaarrrreeee RRRReeeeqqqquuuuiiiirrrreeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss
Photoshop 3.0 or
AAAAddddoooobbbbeeee PPPPhhhhoooottttoooosssshhhhoooopppp RRRReeeeqqqquuuuiiiirrrreeeemmmmeeeennnntttt
1.2 _O_n_l_i_n_e__R_e_l_e_a_s_e__N_o_t_e_s
After you install the online release notes for a product
(the _r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s subsystem), you can view the release notes on
your screen.
If you have a graphics system, select ``Release Notes'' from
the Help submenu of the Toolchest. This displays the
_g_r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s(1) graphical browser for the online release notes.
Refer to the _g_r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s(1) reference page for information on
options to this command.
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If you do not have a graphics system, you can use the
_r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s command. Refer to the _r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s(1) reference page
for accessing the online release notes.
1.3 _P_r_o_d_u_c_t__S_u_p_p_o_r_t
Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product
support maintenance program for the installation and SGI
accelerated plug-ins for this product. Adobe System
Incorporated provides product level support of Photoshop as
specified in the license agreement.
Photoshop as installed by default and shipped on CD is
supported by Adobe. Please read the file 'README' in the
/usr/adobe/Photoshop_x.x directory to learn more about the
Photoshop product and understand your product support
options through Adobe Systems Inc.
The 'photoshop_sgi' product is a performance package which
was developed by SGI and is supported by SGI. If you are
running 'photoshop_sgi' code and you are experiencing
problem with one of the SGI customized plug-in enumerated
below, please follow the steps below before reporting a
problem to SGI:
+o The operation which causes the problem must be on the
list of SGI customized plug-ins (see manual page).
+o Verify that this problem does not occur on standard
version of Photoshop as shipped by Adobe. That is, when
you try the operation using 'photoshop' the problem
does not occur but when you try the operation using
'photoshop_sgi' the problem does occur.
If your problem meets the SGI problem criteria above, then
report your problem to SGI.
If you are in the U.S. or Canada and would like support for
your Silicon Graphics-supported products, contact the
Technical Assistance Center at (800)800-4SGI. If you are
outside these areas, contact the Silicon Graphics subsidiary
or authorized distributor in your country.